
Archive for June, 2010

Soal Fisip

Soal ujian :

Untuk mahasiswa yang belum melengkapi semua komponen nilai Komputer II silakan donlot file ini :

Soal Ujian :  UAS-kom2

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Ketika km menyerang Orang Negro, mrk bilang itu RASISME. Ketika km menyerang Yahudi, mrk bilang itu ANTI-SEMIT. Ketika km menyerang Kaum Feminis, mrk bilang itu SEKSISME. Ketika km menyerang Kaum Homoseks, mereka bilang itu INTOLERANSI. Ketika km menyerang Negara, mrka bilang itu P’KHIANATAN. Ketika km menyerang Sekte K…eagamaan, mrk bilang itu KEBENCIAN. Tapi saat mrk menyerang Muhammad mrk bilang KEBEBASAN BERBICARA… (Helene Olivia)

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??? Attempted to access T(1,:); index out of bounds because size(T)=[0,0].

Error in ==> trainingxls at 9

JOneuron  = length (T(1,:));

Ternyata hanya salah memasukkan range data untuk  matrik T nya.

Tadinya :

P = xlsread(‘tiroid.xls’,’h4:l200′);

T = xlsread(‘tiroid.xls’,’h4:l200′);

yang benar :

P = xlsread(‘tiroid.xls’,’h4:l200′);
T = xlsread(‘tiroid.xls’,’h4:h200′);

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Nilai Susulan

Nilai susulan :

haris cahyadi 100 85 80 70 82
eko hadi purnomo 100 60 70 80 72

Yang belum harap segera konfirmasi :

  1. Ahmad Baedhowi – 02198159330
  2. Suhandi Akbar – 085716108485
  3. Setia Budi
  4. Ahmad Nawawi

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MSE = [MSE (MSEepoch/JumPola)];

kesalahan :

?? Attempted to access MSE(0.206437); index must be a positive integer or logical.

Error in ==> nnbplatih at 113

MSE = (MSE(MSEepoch/JumPola));


Tidak ada kesalahan :

MSE = [(round(MSE)) (round(MSEepoch/JumPola))];

MSE di grafik hasilnya 0


Penulisan yang benar :

MSE = ([MSE (MSEepoch/JumPola)]);


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Indexing into a matrix is a means of selecting a subset of elements from the matrix. MATLAB has several indexing styles that are not only powerful and flexible, but also readable and expressive. Indexing is a key to MATLAB’s effectiveness at capturing matrix-oriented ideas in understandable computer programs.

Indexing is also closely related to another term MATLAB users often hear: vectorization. Vectorization means using MATLAB language constructs to eliminate program loops, usually resulting in programs that run faster and are more readable. Of the many possible vectorization techniques, many rely on MATLAB indexing methods, five of which are described in this article. To learn more about other similar methods, see the resources listed at the end of this article.

Indexing Vectors

Let’s start with the simple case of a vector and a single subscript. The vector is

v = [16 5 9 4 2 11 7 14];

The subscript can be a single value.
v(3)     % Extract the third element
ans =

Or the subscript can itself be another vector.
v([1 5 6])      % Extract the first, fifth, and sixth elements
ans =
16   2   11

MATLAB’s colon notation provides an easy way to extract a range of elements from v.
v(3:7)     % Extract the third through the seventh elements
ans =
9   4   2   11   7

Swap the two halves of v to make a new vector.
v2 = v([5:8 1:4])     % Extract and swap the halves of v
v2 =
2   11   7   14   16   5   9   4

The special end operator is an easy short-hand way to refer to the last element of v.
v(end)     % Extract the last element
ans =

The end operator can be used in a range.
v(5:end)     % Extract the fifth through the last elements   ans =
2   11   7   14

You can even do arithmetic using end.
v(2:end-1)     % Extract the second through the next-to-last elements
ans =
5   9   4   2   11   7

Combine the colon operator and end to achieve a variety of effects, such as extracting every k-th element or flipping the entire vector.
v(1:2:end)   % Extract all the odd elements
ans =
16   9   2   7
v(end:-1:1)   % Reverse the order of elements
ans =
14   7   11   2   4   9   5   16

By using an indexing expression on the left side of the equal sign, you can replace certain elements of the vector.
v([2 3 4]) = [10 15 20]   % Replace some elements of v
v =
16   10   15   20   2   11   7   14

Usually the number of elements on the right must be the same as the number of elements referred to by the indexing expression on the left. You can always, however, use a scalar on the right side.
v([2 3]) = 30   % Replace second and third elements by 30
v =
16   30   30   20   2   11   7 1  4

This form of indexed assignment is called scalar expansion.


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I am trying to run this:

for lambda = 0:0.1:0.6
N(i,1) = lambda;
N(i,2) = Picard(lambda);

But the output is:

??? Attempted to access N(7,1); index must be a positive integer or logical.


I think is just a problem of precision: index of a matrix should be integer numbers.
You could replace the 3rd et 4th line by:


On Feb 4, 7:20 am, “Lars ”
<lars.bergemann08.remove-…@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Surely i=10*lambda+1 should already be an integer vor lambda=0:0.1:x ?
> Or does Matlab produces non-integers with that?

No, I’m afraid not. The problem is that 0.1 can’t be represented exactly in the binary floating point arithmetic system used by

Perhaps the following example will help- suppose that you have a calculator that stores numbers in 12 digit decimal floating point
form (this is actually quite common), and you want to multiply 3* (1/3). In the calculator, you’d get



so 3*(1/3) wouldn’t be exactly 1.

The same thing is happening in binary floating point when you multiply 7*0.1 in MATLAB.
If you want a closer look at what number you do get, use the MATLAB command:
format long
to set the display precision to fifteen digits, and then multiply out 7*0.1.


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In Matlab, I have this function : MSE = [MSE (MSEepoch/JumPola)];
When I try to see the result on the m file, the system generated the syntak error :
?? Attempted to access MSE(0.206437); index must be a positive integer or logical.

Error in ==> nnbplatih at 113
 MSE = (MSE(MSEepoch/JumPola));

My program is :

JumPola   = length(P(:,1));
MaxMSE    = 10^-5;
MSEepoch = MaxMSE + 1;
MSE      = [];
ee       = 1;

Hello All,
In Matlab, I have this function:
y = 20 * (x.^2).* ((1-x).^4) .* cos (12 * pi * x);
When I try to see the result of y(0.5) on the m-file, the system generates a synatx error:

??? Error using ==> run
Attempted to access y(0.5); index must be a positive integer or logical.
The question is that how can I access this value as I need to sample this function into 1000 intervals, and use these samples for discrete

My program is:
function wave=haarX();
x = [0:0.001:1];

y = 20 * (x.^2).* ((1-x).^4) .* cos (12 * pi * x); %y(0.5);
for i=1:length(x)
    Array(i) = y(i/1000);



your 'y' in matlab is a matrix (1x1000). You can only get y(1),y(2)...

So if you want to get y(0.5) you need to find which index is 0.5, ie
I hope my explanation is clear...

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Cerita ini kutulis karena permintaan teman dalam waktu yang sempit dan banyak tugas, topiknya asal comot yang keinget di kepala, katanya mo menilai kekuatan karakter penokohannya… wah ga tau neee… lolos seleksi pa kagak hehehe 😀


“Ehh… kamu, tumben tidak diantar ?”, tanya Nugi setelah sadar ada sosok yang familier duduk di pojok paling belakang. Angkot itu memang tidak terlalu penuh, tetapi ceting di fb lebih menarik perhatian Nugi sehingga dia tidak sadar kalau dari naik tadi ada temennya yang duduk di pojok belakang, lengkap dengan tas punggung dan tas tentengan biru Pascasarjana yang semuanya terlihat penuh. “kalau senin tidak” jawabnya dengan senyum tipis yang udah di setting default.


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Susah juga nyari dokter yang direkomendasikan oleh kebanyakan…. masih susah nih nyari dokter THT buat dzaky. Selama ini aku pake dokter-dokter ini, setelah sebelumnya melakukan proses pencarian yang susah hehehe….

No Nama RS
1 Prof. DR. Dr. Agus Firmansyah (Hermina Bekasi)
2 Dr. Arwin akib SpA(K) (Apotik Arnika,Bekasi)
3 dr. Dian A. Ratna, SpKK (Bella Bekasi)
4 Dr. Etty Aminah, Sp.PD (RSBK Bekasi)
5 Laksmi Nawasasi (Mitra Bekasi Timur)
6 dr. Ovie Noorviana (Cakung Jakarta Timur)
7 dr. Yusmar Yunus, SpOg (Bekasi)
8. dr. Okky (Tmg)

Mungkin pembaca ada yang mo share untuk dokter THT ?

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